GARCIA FAURA employees are to star again in the 2019 calendar
For the fifth year in succession GARCIA FAURA staff shall be starring in the company’s calendar for the new year. In selecting the featured employees, we have sought to represent all genders, a variety of professional profiles, to feature a variety of departments and a combination of new faces and more longstanding members of staff.
GARCIA FAURA’s staff are without doubt the company’s main asset, and therefore the best ambassadors for representing the company externally. It is for this reason that they will again be starring in the company calendar to be sent out to our customers all over the world where we have made (and have yet to make) our mark.
Employees from the various operational divisions of the company are proudly demonstrating some of our characteristic traits. It is a way to convey the feeling of belonging to a family and to show the faces of the people that make GARCIA FAURA’s day-to-day operations possible.
Here are the 12 stars of 2019: